Hello everyone, 

I was thinking about the autumn season and realized that even though spring is my favorite time of year, the fall trends are close to my heart as I love using them to express myself. 
That's why I want to share with you my most favorite trends, which I have worn before and look forward to wearing again and again this season...There's no shame in wearing the same pieces over and over again just as long as they're clean, right? 

These five trends totally make up my style during the fall as I tend to go from more girly looks to edgy ones and the other way around. Also, during the fall being cozy and comfy somehow go hand in hand together, which is such a nice change as I usually first go for style and then comfort. (Yep, I can stay in uncomfortable heels forever as long as I LOVE the way they look! I'm totally guilty of that!) What about you? 

Embroidery has entered my world since the summer and is continuing to rule it as it takes me into fall. I'm even waiting on a new embroidery piece that I want to tell you all about, but will keep it a secret until it gets here. Any guesses what it is?  

Anything with floral embroidery immediately becomes a beautiful staple that you just can't ignore, so feminine, delicate just like a delightful fairy-tale. In fact I'm fine with having embroidery on all my clothing from sneakers to even bras. That would be such a fun DIY idea! All I need is the time because this closet of mine is starting to overflow with shoes, clothes, bags... that's a good thing in my book! 

This fall, I'm thinking there will be lots of embroidery jackets that I can just throw on and go. So easy, as I can keep everything else simple, like a tee and jeans. Plus, like I mentioned earlier, I'll finally be both stylish and comfortable at the same time! Yay for embroidery!!! 

Shop The Embroidery Selection:

The sexiest, most appealing of them all is leather. Whether it's a leather skirt, leggings or jacket I can't live without it. Throwing on something leather immediately gives us some kind of power, the confidence to be seen and heard (if you can relate let me know), which is why we should all wear it more often. When you see a woman in leather, you know she means business! (Typing with my business face on!) haha 

The more I wear it, the more happy I am that it exists. I believe leather is here to stay no matter the season, year or time of day. I'm positive we all have something leather that we love to death (for me it's my leather skirt) and will wear for years to come. 

Shop The Leather Selection: 

Anyone in favor of fur? I hope I'm not the only one because what's a party with only myself? Completely boring and sad!

Last year around this time I discovered fur vests/coats and as you can see I have built a nice collection since then that I'm really happy about. I love the way the fur vest completes my autumn days as the fur coat takes care of the winter days (sounds just like a poem).   

This trend is way too good to ignore or not take advantage of. With fur on, you'll absolutely look like a million bucks and your style will be hotter than ever, trust me. Plus, I don't see anything difficult in styling it, as it'll be a hit no matter what you want to wear. 

Shop The Fur Selection: 

New believe: Stripes make the world go round! (If we all wear stripes on the same day that actually might happen.) LOL! 

Vertical or horizontal, thin or thick, every stripe is fine by me! I love them all and don't see an end to it at all. I think they make an outfit lots more interesting as they get all the deserved attention. If you're super close with stripes, no worries, no judgment from my side as I'm one of you. 

What's your favorite striped piece and how do you like wearing it the most? 

Shop The Stripes Selection: 

My final fall pick is the cool bomber jacket. It's so cool that it can melt an ice-cube and then cool it off again. WOW! I know right, I'm thinking the same thing. 

When I wear a bomber jacket, I'm drawn into making my look more sporty yet edgy. For some reason, that's what this type of jacket does to me. I can't picture it with heels, only booties or biker boots. How do you like styling yours? 

Shop The Bomber Jacket Selection: 

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Mini Skater Dress 

Thanks so much for reading this post. Let me know your favorite fall trend in the comments. 
As always please support FashionRadi by following my blog and sharing this post.  

                                                                                                                 Love, Radi

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