4 tips to buy safely online

Do you usually shop online? Clothing, shoes, electronics, perfume, accessories, food, everything goes! But do you know how to buy online safely? Discover our tips for buying online serenely.

1. Secure browsing

When you decide to buy online, it's best to be at home or somewhere with a secure internet connection. Promote a secure home network. Indeed, this will limit the risks of identity theft, theft of banking information and others. To reduce the risk, do not hesitate to use a powerful anti-virus, updated of course.

2. E-reputation

Choosing the sites you want to buy online is also essential. Indeed, there are many fraudulent platforms whose sole purpose is to extort money, or make you pay for an object you will never see the color. If you doubt a site, follow your instincts and make no payments or give your banking information. You can always find out about different forums or Facebook group (here is our page ) to have the opinions of consumers who have previously dealt with these sites.
The sites on which you will be able to buy online in complete safety generally include a label of quality. A label is proof that the site is legitimate, reliable and secure. The two recognized in Belgium are Becommerce.be and Safeshops.be. On these platforms, you will find certified stores. Thus, less risk of credit card fraud.
Finally, be aware that online sales platforms have a legal obligation to be transparent. They must clearly display on their website the following information: identity, professional activity, characteristics of goods and services offered, price (not to mention taxes and delivery fees), as well as payment and exchange terms or the validity of the offer. For more information on the subject, you can visit the Europa portal .

3. Secure payments

To increase the security of online payments, Mastercard and Visa have implemented a system: 3D Secure, also called "Verified by Visa" and "SecureCode" (Mastercard). Its clear objective is to avoid credit card fraud and bank identity theft. So, find out whether your credit card has this extra protection or not.

4. Using a credit card with purchase insurance

Today, many financial institutions offer credit cards offering various insurance purchases. Opting for the right card will allow you to be protected in case of credit card fraud or when shopping online. Thus, you will often hear about "Safe Online", ensuring the total repayment of goods purchased within the European Union or the United States. Some even have a warranty extension of up to 24 months from the expiry of the legal manufacturer's warranty.
If, despite all these precautions, you are the subject of bank fraud or identity theft, you must urgently react as quickly as possible. To do this, call Card Stop to block your credit card, go to the police station to make a statement and refer your bank every fraudulent expense. And do not forget: buying online can be risky so be careful!

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