Ordering on the Internet is a common act. It's so easy not to move around and receive the coveted object a few days later in your mailbox ... But if it's so easy to buy it's also easy to get scammed. How to trust your bank to protect you? How do you ensure that merchant sites are reliable?

Internet has become a real nebula. Each week, hundreds of sites are born and disappear sometimes as quickly as they appeared. Faced with this mess, it becomes increasingly difficult for the Internet to distinguish between good and bad addresses. At the cost of a few precautions, it is possible to get through serious trouble.

Your bank and security

Since online purchases have become more popular, banks have developed a range of protection tools for their clients.
This is how you have probably used or at least met a small calculator-shaped module that has different names depending on the bank.
Simply synchronize your debit card when you want to make a purchase, identify yourself and copy the code that this machine gives you. In this way, your bank knows that you have not been the victim of usurpation.
Some banks also send a code by SMS, valid only a few minutes to validate a purchase.
Finally, depending on the size of the payment, you can directly receive a phone call from your bank to ensure that you are responsible for this expense.

Securing commercial sites

To avoid being trapped, first and foremost use official sites or large online shops. In any case, and especially if you are dealing with a site you do not know, go to the "who are we" sections.
French law requires the professional to  make available to the buyer both its general conditions of sale but also full contact information.  If not, do not order: you are probably dealing with a "black" site based abroad.
As a result, focus your purchases preferably with merchants located in France or subject to French legislation. These are the only ones against which you can, in case of dispute, bring legal action.
For their part, merchant sites ensure your security with  the https encryption link,  "s" for secure. Added to this is the presence of a small padlock color. It is so difficult to obtain this encryption that it is a guarantee of security. 
Do not pay on a site that does not have this security. Similarly, do not rely on payment logos. They are only simple integrable images everywhere that are in no way attestations of trust.

The scams of private sellers

On official merchant sites or major addresses of online stores, a new sales profile has been emerging for several years:  private sellers .
Whether it is Amazon or even the Fnac, these famous addresses are now in their catalog to third vendors, non professional for some, there to round ends of the month sometimes difficult.
Before ordering your product, be sure to inquire about the contact details of the person at the origin of the transaction.  Unfortunately, most often known only under a pseudonym.
Do not make a sale if you are not absolutely aware of the exact identity of the person concerned, especially if they are living abroad. 
In terms of legislation,  it is the actual seller of the goods that the consumer is supposed to pursue.  The hosting website, as an intermediary, can not legally be held responsible for any subsequent dispute.
So prefer to conclude the transactions only if the website stands surety for the facts and actions of your seller.

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