Hello everyone, 

When we think of summer, one of the first things that comes to mind is summer dresses, but have you ever thought what summer would look like without them? Well, today we'll find out! 

I took it upon myself to challenge my "fashion mind" into creating two summer looks that don't involve dresses, just pretty boho pieces that are so stylish, you'll forget about your dresses in no time (guaranteed). 

To prepare for this blog post, I said no to wearing dresses for a week, (yep, I'm that serious), which helped me even more by allowing me to think deep into what I would wear each summer if wearing a dress wasn't an option. So I went back and forth with a few ideas, but eventually came back to these summer looks because I already wear them quite often and I consider them "my kind of style"

So are you ready to get rid of your dresses (at least for a day) and join me in this challenge of summer without dresses? 

You might have noticed by now that I love turning my bralettes into everyday wear, which is why I couldn't resist my first outfit to include this "summer signature" orange crochet as my top. I love it for so many reasons; one, it feels like I'm wearing a swimsuit (it's lightweight), can get a tan and the skin can breathe. Two, it makes summers look effortlessly more stylish, as a bralette can be rocked so many different ways. 

In this case I added this patterned skirt - for me - there isn't anything more perfect or more compatible. 
This summer I'm totally all about the high slit in my dresses, even skirts because seeing the legs adds a more sensual feel to your everyday look.

To complete the outfit, I layered two chokers, wore my new favorite wedges, stacked my dainty rings, added a pink summer bag, couldn't skip sporting a cute pair of mirrored sunglasses, and vioolaa, this is look number one of my days without a dress!   

As for the second summer outfit, I had to go with high-waist flowy shorts and an off-the-shoulder crop top, but not just any, exactly these two shades of blue. They're loose fit, incredibly comfortable and a truly irresistible pair that is meant to sweeten any summer day. Isn't this the dream set? 

I love the fact that one is light blue and the other navy. I love pairing shades of blue together - I think it's a beautiful color that exudes lightness and peace.

I kept the accessories the same because they really go great with everything else. I can already think of some other looks that would work with the same bag, layered chokers, rings and wedges. Why not, right? If you ever changed the outfit, but kept the same accessories, give me a double heart emoji 💕! 

Hopefully this post made you want to experiment with something other than dresses this season. 
What would be your ideal summer outfit (without a dress)?     

If you liked it, please share it and follow my blog because you know there's so much great content coming up in the future. I'm already working on the next post. 

Happy first of June, lovelies and see you soon! 

                                                                                                                                       Love, Radi 

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